Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Agile SWAT Teams

Create a high performance elite project team is must have for every program or organization.

SWAT teams are the most specialized and experienced team that you can build to be used in extremely complex projects and emergency situations.

SWAT teams are the silver bullet, but beware though that there is only one bullet so better we learn how to do it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Agile War Rooms

War rooms are a very old agile concept and the first big investment on the project success. If your team members consider that the project doesn't not need a war room, project goals are not so challenging, project is not so important or they are not interested on it.
"I'm beginning to think that a project not worth a war room may be a project not worth doing."

We may think that this old concept could be related to the old school management theory, but if you take a min to review it deeply, it's the most agile concept ever.

So, in this post you will find why and how to create a great agile war room from the ground up.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Agile Zombies

Nowadays companies announce that they are 100% Agile more as a marketing speech than as a strong belief and project teams also tend to follow agile processes as zombies. Nobody, neither the companies nor the project teams, knows what they are doing and that's why the meaning of agile concepts are getting lost.
This post offers a quick list to identify if your company is one of those, if you are being a zombie and if that is so, to solve it quickly.